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Dakor Temple

What Led to the Formation of this Temple ?

Legend has it that this temple was a result of Lord’s Krishna’s commitment made to one of His most ardent devotees, Bodana. Every month, during the full moon day, Bodana used to walk to Dwarka from his native village of Dakor to offer prayers to the Lord. As Bodana was getting older every year, he was finding it difficult to walk the long distance. It was at this time that Lord Krishna promised him that He will come to Dakor to be at his side so that he doesn’t need to walk all the way to Dwaraka.  As Bodana told the other devotees in Dakor about this, they went to Dwaraka and started moving the main deity of the Lord. Seeing this, the local people of Dwaraka got agitated and they were against this move and a fight ensued between the devotees from Dakor and Dwaraka.

The Lord finally told the devotees to put His idol into the sea. The people from Dwaraka tried to search in the water by inserting sharp sticks, but in vain. The devotees from Dakor were the ones who tasted success in this and when they took out the idol from the water, they were shocked to see scars and wounds all over. It was believed that the sharp sticks inserted by the Dwaraka people might have caused injuries to the Lord.

Finally, the people from Dwaraka agreed to part with Lord’s idol, but they wanted the Dakor people to give them gold in return which would be equal to the weight of the idol. The devotees from Dakor were not very well off and they could manage to give only a small nose ring. However, to utter surprise of all, when the idol and nose ring were weighed on a weighing scale, both were found to be equal in weight. It was understood that it was God’s trick to help His ardent devotee and He adjusted the weighing scale in order to honour the commitment made to Bodana. This temple witness an average of 80 lakh pilgrims every year and during special days, the entire town of Dakor wears a festive look.

Important Days at the Dakor Temple

Every month, during full moon day, huge numbers of devotees throng to this temple as it is believed that the Lord was brought to Dakor on one such day. The Sarad Purnima which comes right after Navratri is believed to be the exact day when the Lord came to Dakor and there are around 10 lakh pilgrims who visit the temple on that day alone. The other important days in this temple are Holi (when lots of fairs are conducted), Diwali, Janmashtami, Nand Mahotsav, Rathyathra, Hindu New Year, Amali Ekadashi, Navratri, Tulsi Vivah and many more. During these important festivals, people from all over the country come to Dakor to take part in the festivities. The religious sentiments of the people are on a high during this time and one has to witness to experience the spiritual feeling.

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