Pincode Locator Of Lakshadweep

    Search By Pin Code / Zip Code Of Lakshadweep's City

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The Postal Index Number or the PIN code of a particular area is allotted by the Postal Department. It consists of 6 numerals, where the first two digits refer to the main state and the remaining denote the district, sub-district and sorting area. Currently, there are ten important areas identified in Lakshadweep. The first two digits of the postal code are "68". The ten post offices here at Agatti, Amini, Androth, Bithra, Chetlat, Kadamat, Kalpeni, Kavaratti, Kiltan and Minicoy. These postal codes help easy sorting of letters and consignments and help to improve the efficiency of the postal department in a great way.

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